Advanced Diploma of Program Management 項目管理 高級文憑 BSB61218

AIPM RegPM CPPP 澳洲項目管理學會 註冊項目經理 認證執業項目從業員

 Formalize Your Competence.  Increase Your Competitive Power

Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM)


About AIPM

Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM) 澳洲項目管理學會

  • The largest professional project management institute in Australia.  AIPM is the premier, longest-serving body for project management in Australia.  With over 10,000 members, AIPM is recognised by Australian business, industry and government as the key promoter, developer and leader in project management professionalism.
  • 2nd largest Member of IPMA (Association of the International Project Management Association)
  • Secretariat of the Asia Pacific Federation of Project Management (apfpm), an organisation initiated by the AIPM in early 2010.

Benefits of AIPM Membership

  • Subscription to PM Matters e-newsletter
  • Online access to AIPM’s Project Manager Magazine
  • Access to the Member Advantage Program
  • Online access to project management resources
  • AIPM Linked-in group access
  • AIPM Jobs Center Update
  • Ability to join AIPM Special Interest Groups
  • Invitation to exclusive member-only events
  • Members pricing for chapter events and the National Conference
AIPM RegPM CPPP Certification

Professional Qualification

  • AIPM Membership:
    • Full Member (MMIPM)*
  • Professional Certification:

    • Registered Project Manager (RegPM) Certification 註冊項目經理認證
      • Certified Practising Project Practitioner (CPPP)   認證執業項目從業員

How to achieve it?

Registered Project Manager (RegPM) 註冊項目經理 is the national certification program of Australian Institute of Project Management’s (AIPM).

Upon achieved the AIPM Endorsed Diploma of Project Management and joining AIPM as a Full Member, you will be entitled to the recognition for AIPM’s Registered Project Manager (RegPM) Certification as a Certified Practicing Project Practitioner (CPPP) 認證執業項目從業員 .

Benefits of being a Registered Project Manager

  • List on AIPM Register of Certified Project Managers on the AIPM website
  • Use of post-nominals: e.g., RegPM, CPPP, AAIPM/MAIPM
  • Identify skill gaps and improve capability
  • Gain competitive advantage – win work/jobs
  • Achieve industry and organisational Project Management recognition
  • Identify where you are at in your career path
  • Personal improvement and development
  • Career path from project team member to manager or program director
  • Gain a competitive advantage over non-registered Project Managers

Advanced Diploma of Program Management 項目管理 高級文憑 BSB61218

(AIPM Endorsed 澳洲項目管理學會 認可)

Accreditation & Recognition

Accreditation & Recognition

This Advanced Diploma of Program Management BSB61218 (at Level 6 of the Australian Qualification Framework) is an AIPM Endorsed Course.

  • Professional Recognition (專業認可): AIPM Endorsed Course
  • Australian National Qualification Framework (澳洲國家資歷架構): Level 6

Who should achieve for this qualification

Who should achieve this qualification

This qualification conveys to employers that the holder has practically demonstrated the skills and knowledge to work effectively as a Project Manager in the management of complex work-based projects.

The qualification holders may manage projects in a variety of contexts, across a number of industry sectors. They have project leadership and management roles and are responsible for achieving project objectives. They possess a sound theoretical knowledge base and use a range of specialised, technical and managerial competencies to initiate, plan, execute and evaluate their own work and/or the work of others.

Job Roles

They has demonstrated the ability to apply these skills in a work-based environment, reassuring employers of job-readiness.

Their job roles may include:

Project Manager, Project Leader, Senior Project Manager, Area Manager, Construction Project Manager, Engineering Project Manager, Information Technology Project Manager.

Professional Development Fast-track

專業 發展 快線

Professional Development - Case Study

Following is the professional development plan of our graduate who has over 10 years of project manager experience.

Step 1:
AIPM Endorsed Advanced Diploma of Program Management BSB61218  (AQF Level 6)

Step 2:
Australian Institute of Project Management (AIPM)
– Member (MMIPM)
– Registered Project Manager (RegPM) Certification
– Certified Practising Project Practitioner (CPPP)

Step 3:
Association for Project Management (APM), UK
– Member (MAPM)

Step 4:
Hong Kong Institute of Project Management
– Member (MHKIPM)

Fast Track Route to Achieve for It

Fast Track Route for Success Institute Project Management Masters

SUCCESS Institute Project Management Master Professional Qualifying Training Program graduates will be eligible to apply for the Advanced Diploma of Program Management BSB61218 (AIPM Endorsed), that fulfill AIPM RegPM CPPP certification requirements, upon successfully completed the project management competence assessment.

Success Institute 項目管理 專家 專業資格 培訓課程 的畢業學員,只需完成指定評核,便符合資格申請AIPM 認可的 項目管理 高級文憑 (澳洲國家資歷架構 第6 級),及達到 AIPM RegPM CPPP 認證要求。

Remarks 備註:

Relevant experience and/or qualification, etc. is/are required by respective academic/professional institutions.

Respective academic/professional institutions reserve the rights to apply/change any admission criteria/procedures, credit exemption policy without prior notice, and to consider applications on individual basis. 

恭賀本機構申請者 榮獲多項 國際專業資格


恭賀本機構申請者 榮獲多項 國際專業資格
調解 Full Member, MCIArb
法務 Registered Professional Paralegal (PPR)
Fellow of the IoP / Qualified Paralegal (F.Inst.Pa/Q.Inst.Pa)
項目管理 Member (MAIPM)
Registered Project Manager (RegPM) Certification
Certified Practising Project Practitioner (CPPP)
培訓發展 Chartered Member (Chartered MCIPD)
人力資源 Professional Member in HR (MAHRI)
金融保險 ANZIIF Senior Associate, Certified Insurance Professional
會計師 Public Accountant, IPA
Incorporated Financial Accountant, IFA
會計員 Member (MAAT)
職安健 IOSH Graduate Member / Technical Member
土木工程測量師 Member (MCInstCES)
工商管理 Fellow (FCMI)
領導管理 Member (MInstLM)
工商管理 Member (MABE)

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All contents and information, including but not limited to forms and navigation links, are proprietary to Success Institute of Higher Education and Professional Training Limited (Success Institute) and are subjected to copyright protection. Republication, redistribution or unauthorized use of any content or information contained in this website is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Success Institute.